Interview with Thodoris Vournas: Crafting Powerful Performances in The Actors
How did you approach directing Meletis Ilias in The Actors to achieve such a powerful performance?
Thodoris Vournas: – We were in conversation with both the “actors” of the actors, Meletis & Maria, because we wanted to do a film all together. When we start moving forward we created a concept that will challenge them both. Meletis was very open to my vision of the film and more than helpful to create it.
What was the inspiration behind the story of The Actors?
Thodoris Vournas: –The classic theatre play LA RONDE. It is a story that every now and then has a new
version based the classic one so I think to have to actors who improvisse in a new adaptation in today as the inspiration of our film.
How does it feel to have your lead actor, Meletis Ilias, win the Best Actor award?
Thodoris Vournas: –I am very proud for him. He is an exceptional actor who deservers every recognition.
What were some of the biggest challenges during production, and how did you overcome them?
Thodoris Vournas: –The challenge is to keep it fresh so in the shooting the actors have materials to
improvise rather than start thinking what work in rehearsals. We shoot it in only one day because I didn’t want to interrupted the performance. It goes as the day and the ideas of this day go!
How did Meletis Ilias prepare for the role, and what do you think made his performance stand out?
Thodoris Vournas: – He was always very open to hear everything I wanted and try the best out of it. Always
very helpful to the other actors so they both be in the same page and feel comfortable. He considers the other people in the room and he is a team player.
How did you collaborate with the actors to bring out their best performances?
Thodoris Vournas: – I try to create an environment that they can improvise but also be aware that any time
that something does not work I will step in and give the, specific directions. I want then to
feel safe and free to create.
What message or themes were you hoping to explore through The Actors?
Thodoris Vournas: – Simple. Actors are professionals and every professional enviroment should challenge
you but also give you space to enjoy the experience.
How do you approach directing actors in emotionally charged scenes?
Thodoris Vournas: – Listen to them. Built to what they understand and feel strong about it.
What’s next for you in your directing career?
Thodoris Vournas: – My next feature film called REUNIVERSE starts it festival run this October!
How has this recognition of Best Actor for Meletis Ilias influenced your future projects?
Thodoris Vournas: – It is great to have your actors recognized because it give you secure that you make the right choices!
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