Once a Year is a short film directed by Caleb Keye and Mertcan Omer Damoglu which follows seven birthdays in the life...
“Alba Rosa” is a compelling drama that follows Grace, a woman dealing with grief and loneliness after her husband’s death during a...
To put it plain and simple, Holy B3 is quite an experience. This experimental piece, directed by the Italian duo Claudio D’Attis...
My Journey with Sumi is a short documentary that follows the experiences of a loving husband, Mr. Mehta, as he looks after...
Rotten Society is a social satire film that follows a mad homeless man as he finds the camera of a news reporter...
Two Mirrors in the Sky is a very short film that beautifully illustrates a poem about love and the quest for identity...
Off/Guard is a short crime piece that follows the different possibilities regarding a police shooting in Ireland. There is plenty to say...
The Imagination of a Child is an experimental short film that follows two characters – an Italian sculptor and an Indian girl...